
Showing posts from 2016

The Case For Brendan Gallagher: Why He Belongs On Team Canada

Brendan Gallagher has been hailed by some in the hockey world as "the diminutive giant". Gallagher is certainly a spark plug for the storied bleu, blanc, et rouge since he arrived in Montreal during the 2012-2013 season. Gallagher seems to gravitate to the front of the net, sparking a a popular t-shirt from North Legends illustrating "Gally's office". He's a absolute thorn in the side to opposing defensemen who often outweigh the pesky forward by 50-70 pounds. His relentless net-presence is often dreamed about by coaches but rarely does it come to fruition with a player. His offensive numbers are good. They are by no means outstanding. However, it's the other parts of his game that enhance his value to Team Canada. Generally speaking in professional sports today there is not enough heart . There's a lot of show-boating, many egomaniacs, and many prima donnas. With said players there's a noticeable trend: Extra effort is magically outputte